
Friday, October 10, 2014

Pulled Jackfruit BBQ

BBQ Pulled Jackfruit

Awesome veggie recipe using jackfruit as a BBQ pork sub. Looks tasty. Now I'm even more bummed that the Asian market up the block closed down. Could have had all the canned jackfruit I wanted. By the by, I'm not a full-time vegetarian (yet.) I just love finding new meat substitutes to try.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hell Yeah

DARIO ARGENTO'S THE SANDMAN starring Iggy Pop | Indiegogo

Horror master Dario Argento is looking to make a new film starring Iggy Pop. This couldn't be more relevant to my interests. They're looking for backers on Indiegogo. I'm kicking in a few bucks when I can. Love Argento's films and Iggy.

The Land Needs to be Purified

Clemmons murder suspect sacrificed animals, spoke ‘as though he was possessed,’ according to source |

One person, who claims to have been there around the time warrants say the bodies were buried, spoke with FOX8 about what it was like inside the home on Knob Hill Drive. We have concealed this person’s identity, and given the person the nickname “Paul.”

“When you walked in the first room, it was kind of blacked out, and the wallpaper had been peeled off. There was like scribbles, and scratches, and graffiti, and Arabic and Satan and swastikas,” said Paul. “It was a very, very thick environment. It was, it had a tenseness to it.”

. . .

Paul said the home smelled of wet dog, and that there were piles of dog feces in the living room. Paul also said there was one room —  the room firefighters smashed windows out of, and investigators wore HazMat suits into, that nobody, not even Amber Burch, was allowed into. “There’s a whole realm that we’re not aware of, and I think that whole piece of land needs to be purified,” Paul said.

Interesting and disturbing quotes from a man who knew suspected murderer Pazuzu Algarad. So far, at least two bodies have been found buried on Algarad's property, and witnesses say he sacrificed animals and acted as if he were possessed.

Obviously, this is a disturbing story about a man with some very severe psychological issues, but I'm quoting it because I always find it interesting to see references to energy work and discernment in the mainstream media. Though I doubt most people would catch it, talking of a "thick atmosphere" and the land needing to be "purified" aren't just figures of speech as far as I'm concerned. This type of shit leaves deep and lasting impressions on a place, and most people can feel it whether they're sensitive to it or not.

Troubling and fascinating.